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Yogoody joins Benfica
Andreea MihaescuJan 29, 20240 comments
Yogoody joins Benfica
A new partnership with Benfica to commercialise the revolutionary 1.2.3 YOG. Available from March, with the signature of Clube das Águias, the product has already been launched in the USA,...
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Benefits of Yogurt on Gut Health
gut health
Andreea MihaescuJan 8, 20240 comments
Benefits of Yogurt on Gut Health
Yogurt provides an excellent source of highly bioavailable protein and calcium and is a source of probiotics that are believed to provide a range of health benefits, including the support...
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Landed on supermarkets' shelves
Andreea MihaescuDec 18, 20230 comments
Landed on supermarkets' shelves
We're very happy to have Yogoody featured in SAPO's Lifestyle with our 123YOG Strawberry, Vanilla and Banana flavors.
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The disruption of traditional liquid yogurt
Andreea MihaescuDec 15, 20230 comments
The disruption of traditional liquid yogurt
In this interview, we had the opportunity to present Yogoody's values of accessibility and sustainability, and continuous commitment to innovation.
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Transforming the yogurt industry in 2024
healthy snack
Anabela FerreiraDec 14, 20230 comments
Transforming the yogurt industry in 2024
In the interview conducted by Miguel Magalhães, we had the incredible opportunity to highlight Yogoody's journey and successes. We thank The Next Big Idea for providing us with this valuable opportunity...
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The art of healthy drinking, anywhere and anytime
healthy snack
Anabela FerreiraDec 11, 20230 comments
The art of healthy drinking, anywhere and anytime
We are extremely proud to be featured with an article in the French lifestyle magazine, Marie Claire, in the 'Les Incontournables' section. As Marie Claire describes it, YOGOODY brings a new twist...
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